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The St. Louis County Library Foundation and The Novel Neighbor Present Bestselling Historical Fiction Author Georgia Hunter

Author of “One Good Thing”

Bestselling author of “We Were the Lucky Ones,” Georgia Hunter shares an unforgettable novel set in war-torn Italy. Mussolini’s Racial Laws have deemed best friends Lili and Esti descendants of an ‘inferior” Jewish race. When Germany invades, a wounded Esti asks Lili to take her young son and flee the country. Lili sets out on an epic journey through Nazi-occupied villages and bombed-out cities. A remarkable tale of friendship, motherhood, and survival, “One Good Thing” is a tender reminder that love for another person can be reason to keep going.

Doors open at 6:00 p.m.

Books available from The Novel Neighbor.


Favorite (with a blue quill through the letter O) Author in brown text Series in blue on white
Author Events, Evening Programs (after 5:00 p.m.)
Adult Programs