Health & Wellness
Free services including diapers, period supplies, and programming such as yoga, mental health awareness and stress reduction are available.
Blood Pressure Kits
Use your library card to check out a blood pressure kit to monitor your blood pressure. Kits provided in partnership with the American Heart Association.
Adult Programs
Health & Wellness
Library of Things
Diaper Distribution
St. Louis County Library is partnering with the St. Louis Area Diaper Bank to provide families in need with a supply of diapers and training pants for children ages 3 and under each month at select library branches.
Children's Programs
Community Connections
Health & Wellness
Parents, Caregivers & Educators
Meditation and mindfulness techniques available online so more people can experience the benefits of meditation anytime, anywhere.
Adult Programs, Teen Programs
Subscription Database
Narcan Kits
Free Narcan kits are available at all 20 library locations. The kits are provided through a partnership with the St. Louis County Department of Public Health.
Adult Programs
Teen Programs
Community Connections
Health & Wellness
Period Supplies
Flow kits from the St. Louis Alliance for Period Supplies are available at select branches. Each free kit contain 20 period supplies.
Adult Programs
Teen Programs
Community Connections
Health & Wellness
Parents, Caregivers & Educators