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(Approved by the Library Board November 25, 2019.)

1. Overview

1.1 St. Louis County Library (the “Library”) utilizes a video surveillance system to record selected public, interior and exterior, areas at all branch locations. As used herein, the term “Recorded Video” includes still images, live streams, recorded video footage, and any portion or duplicate thereof, derived from the use of the Library’s video surveillance system.   

1.2 The video surveillance system may be installed in locations where the public and Library staff do not have a reasonable expectation of privacy. The Library will not install surveillance cameras to monitor or record in areas where individuals have a reasonable expectation of privacy.  

1.3 The Library will notify the public and Library staff that video surveillance devices may be in use on Library property. These notifications will occur through normal communication channels including Library newsletters, the Library’s website, employee handbooks, Library policies, location signage, and other means determined appropriate by Library administration.

1.4 The primary purpose of the video surveillance system is to identify those individuals involved in federal/state/local law or Library Code of Conduct violations; to assess risks or other problems and establish new policies relative to the operation and use of the Library; and to maintain a safe and secure Library environment.


2. Video Surveillance Recording

2.1  A network video recorder continuously records all surveillance video cameras. Recorded Video will be created and maintained digitally on a secured server and shall not be accessed, viewed, edited, or manipulated except by the Library Security Manager and/or other Library administrators on a strict need-to-know basis in accordance with applicable law and Library policies and procedures. All video surveillance system equipment and storage hardware shall be kept in a secure area to avoid access or tampering by unauthorized persons.

2.2 In accordance with the Public Record Retention Schedule promulgated by the Missouri Local Records Board, the retention period of all Recorded Video will be a minimum of thirty days. If Library management extracts any Recorded Video associated with a specific incident involving criminal or other liability issues, any such extracted video must be maintained until administrative or judicial proceedings are complete.

2.3 Pursuant to Missouri law, all Recorded Video that identifies a person or persons as having requested, used, or borrowed Library material and/or identifying the names of Library users are confidential and will not be disclosed except as permitted by Section 182.817, RSMo. Except as otherwise required by applicable law or provided herein, Recorded Video is for internal use and is not available for viewing by the public. All requests from external sources to the Library for the release of Recorded Video shall be coordinated through the Security Manager. The Security Manager will obtain Library Director’s, or designee’s, approval prior to release.

2.3.1 The Library shall comply with any search warrant, lawfully issued subpoena, or court order requiring release of Recorded Video to the extent that the Recorded Video sought has been retained. The Library will respond to public records requests for Recorded Video in accordance with the provisions of the Missouri Sunshine Law, Sections 610.010 – 610.035, RSMo.

2.3.2 Requests by Law Enforcement Personnel. Law enforcement personnel seeking release of Recorded Video without a search warrant, lawfully issued subpoena, or other court order requiring release of Recorded Video must complete and sign the Security Video Request Form.

2.4 The Security Manager shall maintain logs tracking each person who views or has access to Recorded Video, the date and time period during which the viewing or access occurred, and the specific Recorded Video that is viewed or accessed.