Display of Community Information
(Adopted by the Library Board on July 21, 2008. Revised June 15, 2009 and August 17, 2015.)
St. Louis County Library provides a designated area at each library branch for the temporary posting or display of print materials pertaining to tax-supported or not-for-profit organizations engaged in educational, cultural, civic, charitable or recreational community activities. Library space may not be used for commercial purposes; partisan political purposes; to advocate or solicit support for one candidate or cause; or to present material that violates the law or is obscene.
The term "display" as used in this policy includes brochures, flyers, and similar handout materials. Items to be posted or displayed should be professional in appearance. Library management must approve all materials to be posted or displayed based on the space available as well as on their compliance with this policy. The Library reserves the right to refuse to post or display materials and the right to remove posted or displayed materials, including but not limited to materials that have been posted or displayed for a reasonable period of time as determined by Library management; outdated materials; and materials that do not comply with this policy. Materials left for Library consideration for posting or display will not be returned, and the Library will dispose of all materials as it sees fit. The Library does not assume responsibility or liability for materials posted or displayed in Library facilities. Acceptance or rejection of material for posting or display does not imply approval or disapproval by the Library of the ideas or opinions expressed. Materials may be left at one branch for distribution to other branches but the Library cannot guarantee to deliver such materials to meet specific deadlines. St. Louis County Library facilities will not be used as distribution points for newspapers, magazines, newsletters and other formats published on a regular schedule. Exceptions may be made for publications of government or tax-supported organizations following approval by Library Administration.
Official notices that require posting should be approved by Library management before the notice is posted.