New Arrivals, On Order & Featured Titles
Access the free eMedia collection containing eBooks, audiobooks, streaming movies, magazines and music! No library card? No problem. Get one now and start reading.
*Please note that Hoopla and Kanopy are available to residents of St. Louis County Library District only.

Libby by OverDrive
Libby is a mobile app from OverDrive featuring eBooks, magazines and audiobooks.
Digital Service

Video streaming service with over 30,000 award-winning, rare and hard-to-find titles.
Digital Service
Check out binoculars for use in backyards, at the zoo, concerts or sporting events. The program is a partnership with the St. Louis Astronomical Society.
Adult Programs
Teen Programs
Library of Things
Fort Building Kits
Check out a fort building kit and take your creative play to the next level!
Children's Programs
Library of Things
HyperTiles Kits
Math, art and science all rolled into a construction set like you’ve never seen before. Fun for kids and adults alike, HyperTiles connect in nonlinear and unpredictable ways. Check out a kit today!
Children's Programs
Library of Things
Reader's Corner