Naming Policy
(Adopted by Library Board March 14, 2011. Revised May 16, 2016.)
The purpose of this policy is to define the circumstances in which the St. Louis County Library (the "Library") may offer naming opportunities for its interior and exterior programming and architectural spaces.
The Library Board of Trustees has the sole right to name or rename Library facilities, interior and exterior spaces. Typically, the names of community branches are chosen to reflect their geographic location and to identify them with the neighborhoods they primarily serve. The Library does not name any of its branches for any person, living or deceased. However, areas within facilities such as children's spaces or meeting rooms, as well as exterior garden spaces may be named in recognition of individuals or groups who have made a significant financial or other contribution that advances the mission of the Library to serve its community. No Library facilities, spaces or areas will be named after anyone currently holding an elected office.
Naming must be consistent with the mission of the Library and its reputation as a public entity. Naming as recognition generally lasts for the useful life of the space or facility. However, the Board reserves the right to decline any naming proposals for facilities, spaces, areas and/or programs and to revoke a prior grant of named recognition under this current policy if it is considered to be in the best interests of the Library to do so. The Board also reserves the right to determine whether existing named spaces and areas will be transferred when a facility is replaced or remodeled.
Named recognition confers no property rights or interest on the donor and nothing in this policy shall preclude or prevent the Library Board from modifying, changing, renovating or disposing of any Library facility, asset, space or program.