Partnership Policy
(Approved by the Library Board February 8, 2016.)
The purpose of this Policy is to define under what circumstances the St. Louis County Library may enter into collaborative partnerships and to provide guidance in developing and maintaining such relationships.
Collaborative partnerships between public libraries and other entities provide a means to pool resources and advance the Library's mission. To this end, St. Louis County Library seeks and encourages partnerships with public and private agencies and organizations in order to enhance existing services, introduce new services, increase the visibility of the Library in the community and reach new audiences.
A successful partnership will build on the strength of each partner and reach new or shared constituencies that neither partner, working alone, could serve as effectively. The mission and policies of potential partners must be compatible with the mission, vision, policies and goals of the Library. Each partnership opportunity will be evaluated by the Library Administration to determine its short-term and long-term costs and benefits. Specific responsibilities and outcomes will be assigned to each partner and shall be documented in a written agreement such as a Memorandum of Understanding. All partnerships are subject to the approval of the Library Director and, if otherwise required by statute or other Board policy, the Board of Trustees.
All partners must abide by St. Louis County Library policies and any Missouri or federal laws governing county libraries. Partners may not influence the selection of materials, programs or services, and must respect the Library's commitment to intellectual freedom. Partners may not require explicit endorsement of products and services. In addition, the Library ensures the confidentiality of library records as required by law, and partners shall be granted no access to such records.
The St. Louis County Library reserves the right to cancel a partnership agreement at any time if the partnership has a negative effect on or causes harm to the Library; if the partner fails to abide by Library policies or laws or the agreement governing the partnership; if the partner uses the Library's name without prior consent; or if the nature of the partner's mission changes substantially or in a manner that becomes inconsistent with the Library's mission, policies and goals.