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Suggest titles you would like us to consider for purchase. If you would like to be notified whether the suggestion is purchased or declined, please provide an email address. The status of a purchase request will only be communicated via email. If a purchase suggestion will be added to the collection, we will send you an email and you may place a hold on that title through the catalog.

Purchasing popular movies and titles by bestselling authors is part of the library's normal collection practice: there is no need to submit purchase requests for this type of material. We are unable to process eBook and eAudiobook requests more than three months prior to the library release date. We are unable to process DVD requests more than a month prior to the library release date. Please continue to check the catalog for the title you are interested in, and place a hold if it is available. If the DVD does not appear in our catalog by the DVD release date, you may submit a purchase request.

Title suggestions are evaluated for purchase based on our Collection Development Policy, budget constraints, and the item's availability. We reserve the right to limit the number of requests an individual may submit.

Library Services