Indie Author Project
The Indie Author Project (IAP) allows local authors to upload their work for inclusion into the Indie Missouri collection which is available to all participating Missouri libraries. Submissions are also considered for the IAP Select collection. Titles chosen for the IAP Select collection are available to participating libraries nationwide.
Submissions must be in PDF or ePUB 2 or 3 format. Be sure to read through the Terms of Agreement.
Titles in the Indie Missouri collection and those chosen for the IAP Select collection will be available on our BiblioBoard platform.

- Creative Writing
- The Technique of Fiction Writing
- The Everything Guide to Writing Your First Novel: All the Tools You Need to Write and Sell Your First Novel
- The Writer's Idea Thesaurus: An Interactive Guide for Developing Ideas for Novels and Short Stories
- On Writing Fiction: Rethinking Conventional Wisdom about the Craft
- Beginner's Guide to Getting Published
- Beginning Writer's Workshop
- Romance Writing
- Writeriffic: Creativity Training for Writers
- 501 Writing Prompts, 2nd Edition
- Proofreading, Revising, & Editing Skills Success in 20 Minutes a Day
- Writing Skills tutorial
- Ebook Publishing Fundamentals
- Grammar Fundamentals
- Writing Fundamentals: The Craft of Story